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Since the dawn of time, human beings have sought meaning in their existence. Unable to answer the existential questions they asked themselves, they searched for answers via paths never taken before. This is how the divinatory arts were born.

Divination avec les pierres


What is Lithomancia? Lithomancia is the practice of divination by reading stones. In some cultures, stone casting was considered fairly common - much like checking his daily horoscope in the morning paper. However, because our ancient ancestors did not leave us much information on how to read the stones, many specific aspects of the practice…

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pendule divination

The pendulum

What is a dowsing clock? The use of the pendulum is officially considered a science known throughout Europe as Radiesthesia. Dowsesthesia is a divinatory detection process based on the belief that living things are sensitive to certain radiations emitted by different bodies. Historically, dowsing was known for its ability to locate water, gold, oil…

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Reading in coffee grounds The divination by coffee grounds revolves around the belief that the coffee grounds left in the cup of coffee can be used to get a glimpse of the past, present and future. Various forms of divination have been practiced for thousands of years and reading a cup of coffee is a…

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The Importance of Dreams and Their Interpretation For as long as human beings have been looking for meaning in the stars, they also look inward and hope to find similar ideas in the magical landscapes of dreams. Dreams being universal, divination through dreams (oniromancia) has deep roots in all the ancient cultures of the world.…

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The origin of Chiromancia The history of chiromancia probably goes back to prehistory. The Chinese were known to have used chiromancia 5,000 years ago. Aristotle mentioned chiromancia in his writings from the 4th century BC. The science of chiromancia was also studied by romans, Indians, Arabs, Hebrews, Malays and Egyptians. Today, there are two distinct…

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