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The origin of Chiromancia

The history of chiromancia probably goes back to prehistory. The Chinese were known to have used chiromancia 5,000 years ago. Aristotle mentioned chiromancia in his writings from the 4th century BC. The science of chiromancia was also studied by romans, Indians, Arabs, Hebrews, Malays and Egyptians.

Today, there are two distinct approaches to chiromancia. The one that embraces the divinatory approach and refers to the lines on the palm of the hand and the one that focuses on discerning the strengths and weaknesses of the personality from the shape of the hand. This branch also includes the study and significance of dermatoglyphs (fingerprints) and models of skin crests. Many seers prefer to mix the two approaches in a mixture of old and new.

The 3 main lines of the hand

The lifeline

a lifeline is one of the three main lines (the other two are the head line and the heart line) in the palm reading. It starts from the edge of the palm between the thumb and forefinger and extends to the base of the thumb.

Most people think that the lifeline is used to see the length of their lives. It's a partial understanding. In fact, it mainly reflects a person's physical vitality and vital energy. In addition, it shows whether we will have accidents or serious illnesses in our lifetime.

The head line

The head line (also the wisdom line or the smart line) is the second important line in the reading of the palm. It starts from the edge of the palm between the thumb and forefinger and extends across the palm into the central part with the lifeline below and the heart line above.

The head line reveals wisdom, belief, attitude, thinking ability, tension ability, creative ability as well as abilities of memory, self-control and more than one person.
In general, a deep and thin head line is good for a person. If you have such a line, it indicates that you are smart. In addition, the length, degree of bending, chains, donuts, branches, crossover and stars in the head line convey different meanings.

The line of the heart

The heart line (also called the love line) is just above the head line from the edge of the palm under the earpiece, crossing the palm and ending below the middle finger or index finger or where they meet.
The line of the heart usually shows a person's attitude towards love and the quality of love. In this line can be reflected if your affection is deep or not, if your emotions are complicated or simple, if your love and marital life is going well or if you can have a good personal relationship with those around you.

In general, if your heart line is deep, clear, curved, unbroken, unmixed or disordered and extends to the index finger or between the index finger and middle finger, you have a good love and emotional life. If there are two or three forks at the end, it is much better. This shows that you are responsible, kind-hearted, friendly and popular with your friends.

Hand and finger symbols

Minor lines are less known lines that may not appear on all hands. These lines are fascinating because they add more information than can be gleaned by simply examining the main lines.

Rings on your fingers
Wearing a ring on your index finger shows that you want to be the boss.
Wearing a ring on the middle finger shows that you are constantly concerned about security issues.

At the ring finger, a ring shows an interest in cardiac issues.

On the little finger, a ring reveals an interest in communication and business.

A ring worn on the go shows a willingness to control situations, often out of passive aggression.

Crossing hands
Which thumb ends up on top when you cross your hands? If th
e right thumb ends up on top, you are more analytical and logical than creative. You prefer to plan rather than keep pace. The left side of your brain dominates.

If the left thumb stays on top, you are the creative type who does not let himself be baffled by having to act under the impulse of the moment. The right side of your brain dominates.

Is your li
ttle finger bent or twisted? I
f so, you can be very cunning and manipulative. I hope you use it for good and not for evil.

Is your little finger moving away from the hand?
You are not afraid of experimentation or a bit of perversity. What a daredevil!

When you hold your hand without tightening on the table or your knees with your palm up, does your little finger curl inwards?
If so, you're hiding a secret. Probably a biggie too.

Do you have a very short little finger that suddenly turns to your ring finger?
You have a hard time building and maintaining relationships. Start by being honest with yourself and others.

Does your little finger protrude from your hand when you crush it?
You have a strong need for independence. You often find it difficult to get along well with others. You have to learn to be less demanding.

Is your little finger extremely thick?
You must have the last word, don't you! You feel you have to win every argument. (I can hear you arguing with me right now!)